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Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Kempton Park Racecourse

As one of the most revered courses in the modern racing circuit, Kempton Park Racecourse has a fantastic reputation. With plenty of entertainment going on here, from the BetBright Chase to the more classical King George XI Chase, this fantastic racecourse offers a great selection of races to come and watch. With over 200 acres of land and a fantastic woodland area that surrounds it, Kempton Park Racecourse has a wonderfully private feel to it.

With an entrance right next to Kempton Park Railway Station, getting in and out is as easy as it should be. With two inner and outer courses joined together for both flat and fenced racing, this allows the course to be as versatile as possible with the races that run here. From January to December, this holds the likes of the Lanzarote Hurdle right through to the famous Desert Orchid Chase to finish the year off.

Outside of racing, you get many antique markets held here as well as wedding fairs. As such, it’s a location with plenty of commercial activity, with regular bookings at the host of restaurants around the place making a fantastic venue to come and visit.

If you want, you can even rent out part of the racecourse for a family function. It makes a fine place for events to be held, making sure that you can have all the fun that you like at the racecourse, then maybe take in one of the numerous excellent races held here!